Frequently asked question

We at Jobixoindia.com prefer to receive electronic candidate applications. If you wish to update your profile at any point of time you can do so.

Your application should include a summary of your Full Name, Education and experience, plus any other information that you think we would be interested in knowing about.

You may send us a general application to express your interest, or choose from one of our platform for applying from jobs through "Website or our Official Apps".

Due to the Bulk volume of candidate's applications we receive, those that are specific applications for an advertised "Present vacancy will be given first consideration and remain will be kept in our database.

Security & Fraud

I have been contacted in the name of Jobixoindia.com in exchange of money. Is this authentic?

At Jobixoindia.com, integrity is of utmost importance and there is no compromise made on the quality of talent search for our various clients. We do not entertain payment of any kind from candidates for employment. Please note that these are fake jobs in the name of jobjxoindia.com.

In case you or any of your acquaintances receives such mails, please do not pay/deposit money. These mails must be ignored and reported SPAM.

If you encounter any suspicious mail, advertisements or persons who offer jobs at JOBIXOINDIA.COM, please inform us at: contact@jobixoindia.com or call us: 9962171181.